In Conclusion...

We’ve covered a lot of information here. But since you’re a Rock Star Engineer yourself, we already know you’re adept at picking up new skills.

Just remember:

  • We hire aptitude, not just knowledge.
  • To make sure we cover everything that’s important, we allocate several interview topics among the team.
  • During your interview, you must reach a yes or no decision on the candidate for the area you’re covering.
  • We want our interview process to be efficient, effective, and respectful, so we make and follow a plan for the interviews.

...We’re Just Getting Started

This guide collects what we’ve learned about hiring Rock Star Engineers—so far. Nearly every time we hire someone, we find ways to improve the process.

The “hire a rock star” approach is meant to evolve along with our team. So please help make the guide better. (It’s deliberately editable by the whole team.)

We’ve said throughout that this guide is only a starting point, and no matter how many times we update it, that will always be true. We’re still just getting started.